PFBC Staff

Jeremy Field
Lead Pastor
Pastor Jeremy grew up in near Allentown, PA. He has a Bachelor of Science in Bible from Philadelphia College of Bible and a Master of MInistry Degree from Baptist Bible Seminary. He served as a youth pastor for 17 years, seven of them here at PFBC. In 2016 he became the Lead Pastor and is passionate about faithfully preaching the Word of God and shepherding God's people.
Three things you cannot live without?
Jesus, family, Sixers Basketball
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
NBA player
What is your favorite thing about your career?
Preaching & Watching God transform people's lives

Jon Atkinson
Youth Pastor
I have been serving at Park Forest Baptist Church since 1998. Serving first as a junior coach with our Club for Boys program and every year at VBS, and then stepping into a volunteer leader position with our youth group in 2004 when I graduated high school. I eventually started college online at Clarks Summit University, where I spent eight years working on my degree in Biblical Studies. Shortly after graduating, I was hired to lead our youth ministry. I love serving at RIOT because it's not just interacting with our teens, but it's also working with parents and younger siblings to build lasting relationships, and pointing everyone to God. One of my favorite things about serving is that moment when our teens "get it," that lightbulb moment when they understand the concept we are talking about.
What is your favorite thing about your career?
Seeing kids and teens “get” it–that lightbulb moment
What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Whitewater rafting a class V river
What one thing would you take with you on a deserted island?
A Swiss Army hammock–it’s like a Swiss Army knife, but there’s a hammock too

Babette Manning
Children's Ministry Director
Babette was raised in Lamar, PA and now lives in Rebersburg with her husband and 2 of her sons. She
has been the Children’s Ministry Director here since 2004 and is passionate about coming alongside
families to help them disciple their children. Babette earned a Diploma in Children’s Ministry through
the KIDMIN Academy in 2016. Babette and her husband have 5 adult children and 3 grandchildren.
Grilled or fried?
What are your hobbies?
Reading, sewing, puzzles, games
What is your favorite ice cream?
Butter Pecan

Carolyn DeMatteo
Administrative Assistant & Media Coordinator
Carolyn grew up in Bucks County, PA, and moved to State College in 2018. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Penn State Abington, and an Associate of Arts in Business Management and Marketing from Bucks County Community College. Carolyn worked in K-12 education for a few years before becoming the Administrative Assistant and Media Coordinator here at PFBC in November 2023.